Module 1

Understanding language, methodology and resources for teaching;

The aim of Module One is to extend and develop candidates’ knowledge and understanding of:

  • theoretical perspectives on language acquisition and language teaching
  • different approaches and methodologies including current developments
  • language systems and learners’ linguistic problems
  • language skills and learner problems
  • resources, materials and reference sources for language learning
  • key concepts and terminology related to assessment.

To achieve these aims, candidates need to:

  • demonstrate knowledge of historical and current theories of first and second language acquisition
  • critically evaluate current and historical approaches and methodologies in English language teaching
  • demonstrate understanding of key features of language systems and skills appropriate to teaching and lesson planning, including problems with language use and skills experienced by learners
  • examine and evaluate a range of teaching resources and materials, and reference materials (including e-resources and multimedia materials)
  • demonstrate knowledge of the role and methods of assessment

Module 1 is assessed via a written examination (externally marked by University of Cambridge examiners).   The written examination consists of two papers. Paper 1 is comprised of five tasks. Paper 2 is comprides of three tasks. Candidates have 3 hours and 30 minutes (two 1.5 hour papers with a 30 minutes break in between).

For more information visit Cambridge English website

Module 1 reading list